Thrift Scores: Rainbow Rooster + Flea Market Greenery

When your house is wrecked and your life is in chaos, there is one and only one thing that you can do to make it better: go out and buy more things to stack in more piles and create more chaos. I had some assistance in this recently from a fabulous rainbow foil rooster on black velvet (OH MY, have you ever heard a more alluring combination of words?).


I’d been visiting this rooster in a certain flea market for months now and each time remarking, “Oooh, this is neat,” as if I’d only just seen it for the first time, but Justin always gave it the side eye in a way that suggested that he believed if he was just casual enough, I’d forget about this rooster without him ever having to say he didn’t like it. He doesn’t always understand my undying love for velvet. He was also clawed in the face by a rooster as a child, so that could have something to do with it.

Anyway, when you are already spiraling out of control and are losing things like your keys and ID for days at a time, that seems like the perfect time to make a questionable decision, and so I marched out the other day and finally purchased this glamorous fowl.

To anyone who may wonder about the extent of the chaos in our home, I submit to you this photo as exhibits A, B, C, and D, because really, what more evidence do you need?


Once I brought the rooster home, though, Justin miraculously saw in a different light, so now we are just split on whether or not to paint the frame. I, with my dislike of fake antique finishes, think a nice coat of black or white or green or who-knows-what-color paint would do the rooster a world of good, but Justin wishes simply to revel in its current perfect weirdness, frame and all. It’s too cold right now to spray paint anyway, so the resolution to the argument will have to wait for the mercury to rise.

In the meantime, this rooster is luxurious, psychedelic, and country all at the same time for only $13. It may just be the greatest purchase ever made. EXCEPT–would you believe we bought this plant in a flea market?


We thought we were buying the plant stand only for a cool ten bucks, but when we got up to pay, the plant was part of the deal. It needs to be migrated to a nicer pot, and the plant stand needs a good coat of spray paint, too, but when it comes down to it, I just can’t choose between them. It’s always great to score on a piece of furniture or other large purchase, but sometimes small items with even smaller price tags can still be oh-so satisfying.


Have you bought anything old, new, or unusual lately? Or maybe something small that just makes you smile?

11 thoughts on “Thrift Scores: Rainbow Rooster + Flea Market Greenery

    • Thanks, Hannah! It does feel like a small victory when you finally spring for something you’ve been wanting. There’s always a risk in passing something over in a flea market, but apparently if you target something kooky enough (and lady luck is on your side), it will wait for you!

      Glad you like the black & white tiles! They are cool, but I’m hoping to eventually replace them with something more true to period (my house was built in 1921). Maybe we can work something out so we can both have our dream tile. ☺


  1. This is such a great find! I love it. And the plant stand is great too, very unique. I don’t really thrift shop much but I do like to grab pretty vintage furniture from the end of driveways when it’s out for the garbage.


    • Thanks, Mellissa! Isn’t the plant stand kind of odd and neat? I thought the legs felt a little mid-century, which I like.

      If you don’t already thrift shop, don’t start now! It’s bad for your budget–too many little things begging you to take them home! Free is always excellent, though! You get that trash, girl!


  2. Ohhh my goodness, this is just the kookiest and most glorious piece of art I’ve seen in a long time! I feel like I understand both yours and Justin’s initial reaction to this – but I know I probably would have ended up bringing it home too.

    It’s a lot smaller than I thought it was based on the original picture, but I think that probably works in its favor 😉 if I recall correctly from your house post, is it in your bathroom? It really looks so fab and I’m glad you were able to bring the rooster home, showcase it and give it the love it deserves.

    The plant stand is amazing too. That’s something I haven’t had any luck with thrifting for, despite always being on the lookout for one!

    x Kathryn
    Through the Thicket


    • Thank you for your enthusiasm, Kathryn! Your comment definitely made me smile. It is 8.5″x10.5″, so it’s really neither big nor small. I agree that it does look pretty small in the picture, though. It would be amazing if it were poster sized or something, but I like to think that it packs some punch anyway. 🙂 It IS in the bathroom right now–GOOD MEMORY. I’m always looking for art to go on the bathroom, but at the same time I’m wary of whether it could get warped by steam. This is the guest bath, so I think it will be okay. It’s also the only piece of art that’s been hung in the entire house. I basically just found a smaller wall that already had a hanger in it and went for it because I had to get this guy on display immediately!


  3. Dang girl, that mess is intimidating. I’d just be tempted to throw it all away and start over, haha! And I love those moments- where your life is kind of spinning out of control- and you decide that buying a trinket is the *only* thing that will make you feel okay again. I can recall a few times I did that 😉

    And hmmm I’ve been on a bit of a spending ban recently, so I havent really gotten anything thrifted in a few months. Though I *am* itching to go get some pretty vintage dresses sometime soon 🙂

    xo marlen
    Messages on a Napkin


    • Oh, how I would have loved to throw that mess away! The boxes of random individual items are the most frustrating part of moving, and the main things that still aren’t unpacked (the pile is MUCH smaller, though!). There is something comforting about a new trinket among the craziness. It’s like you can focus on that one perfect thing and block out the mayhem.

      Spring is nearly here, so that sounds like the perfect time to lift your spending ban and have some fun! 👗❤


  4. i am a fan of your purchases – the rooster is so unique and as a recent convert to having live plants in the abode, the plant + stand is great. i’ve been watching Flea Market Flip on netflix and it’s very interesting to see the fabulous junk that is out there. i have to control myself by NOT going to the mall/stores/yard sales/flea markets. we have enough stuff as is, and are constantly purging. i always tell my husband that i’d love to live in a tiny home, and that everything, with the exception of my kitchen aid mixer, could go and i wouldn’t freak.


    • Haha! I love that the Kitchen Aid mixer is your non-negotiable. My husband has always been a thrifter–he got me interested, and it’s a really fun thing to do together, but it can be hard on the wallet. You’re right to just exercise self control and not get started because quitting afterward is not an option. I’m not sure if I could handle a tiny house, but for a small but airy urban apartment, I would sell a lot of stuff!


  5. Pingback: Thrift Scores: Recent Finds | white dog vintage

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